Download the compilers

The manual and demos are included in each archive.

The software comes in a compressed zip or tar.gz archive. Look at the install page for more infos.

The version number of PHP and C++ compilers is formed by the year minus 2000 and the month, possibly supplemented by the day if there are multiple versions in the same month.

Read carefully the manual and look at the FAQ page.

Scriptol to WebAssembly

Scriptol Wasm

21.8 zip 800 k September 2, 2021

Scriptol 3 to JavaScript compiler
OS Archive Version Format Size Date

Scriptol To JavaScript 64 bits

2.5 zip 345 k May 22, 2018

Scriptol To JavaScript

2.5 zip 850 k July 19, 2018

Scriptol 2 to PHP 8 compiler
OS Archive Version Format Size Date

Scriptol To PHP

21.4 zip 400 k April 1, 2021
Scriptol To PHP 18.7 zip 830 k July 27, 2018

Highlighters (All versions)

Older versions



Libraries, wrappers and tools (Win/Lin)