CMS popularity

Comparison of the popularity of content management systems. The ranking is based on the traffic of the site as provided by Alexa. It could not reflect the number of users of the CMS. The last update was on February 7, 2015.

Main types of CMS:

An so specialized content management systems and frameworks are also ranked. All CMS are written in PHP and MySQL but the short list of Java software.
The number beside the name is the Alexa rank on the Web in 2015.

Portals and blogs

Wordpress PHP logo Joomla PHP logo Drupal PHP logo

Blogs and news servers are included in this list along with tools to manage a classical or eCommerce site. All these programs have use down according to Alexa, there is less of blogs, which can be due to social sites and Google penalties on sites without original content.

  1. Wordpress 135 ( / 92 in 2013)
    Blog manager, the easiest to use.
  2. Joomla! 1 124.
    A rigid CMS but with all the essential functions.
  3. Drupal 1 862.
    Designed for professional webmasters, features extensive configuration.
  4. Typo3 14 191. Falling.
  5. PHP-Nuke 10 376. Falling.
  6. MODx 22 610.
    Modular, has function to import HTML pages of a static site.
  7. PHPList 30 584. Falling.
    News server.
  8. SilverStripe 43 061.
    Based on the Sapphire framework, it had the advantages of both Wordpress and Drupal. Certified by Microsoft.
  9. b2evolution 47 718.
    Blog and more.
  10. CMS Made Simple 65 558.
    Easy to use but with limitations.
  11. Spip 72 286. Falling .
    CMS for portals made of templates.
  12. Textpattern 92 484 Falling.
  13. Xoops 156 409. Falling.
  14. e107 Unclassed.
    Similar to Joomla.


PHPBB logo Mediawiki logo

These are forums, Digg-like and wikis. All these programs have been falling for use in 2013 and especially software directories that are blown away. For the forums, it is attributed to StackExchange and other variations, for blogs to social sites and for directories to Google penalties on poor quality links!

  1. vBulletin 10 653. Falling.
    Commercial CMS for building a forum.
  2. phpBB 11 539.
  3. SMF 12 507. Falling.
  4. MediaWiki 10 416. Falling.
  5. Geeklog 275 457. Falling.
  6. Freeglobes 1 001 819 (104 000 in 2013).
  7. FluxBB 165 585. Falling.
  8. Nucleus CMS 391 018 (127 000 in 2013).
  9. SNews 382 546 (188 000 en 2013).
    Extensive blogging and public domain.

Images, videos and ecommerce CMS

Magento PHP logo Prestashop PHP logo

Usable as main site or added to a site. Magento and Prestashop grew great popularity before 2013 but have been declining steadily since like any other software of this type. Probably an effect of the Panda algo which affected e-commerce sites.

  1. Magento. 1 963. Falling.
    e-shop manager.
  2. Prestashop 1905. Falling.
    e-shop manager.
  3. Elgg 39 827. Falling.
    Social network.
  4. Coppermine 126 663 (33 500 in 2013).
    Image gallery.
  5. PHPMotion 136 156 (44000 in 2013).
    Video sharing.
  6. eGroupWare 309 968 (105 000 in 2013).

CMS written in Java

Java Magnolia logo
  1. Magnolia. 49 306 (100 000 en 2013).
  2. Open CMS. 189 516 (156 000 en 2013).
  3. Cocoon.
    Framework by Apache.

See also

External links