Advanced Explorer, what's in the box?

The AE extension system makes it easy to add new features. Here are those that are available in the starting package...

To add an extension, just create a new directory inside BoxL or BoxR. For example, Hello. This directory should contain an HTML file named hello.html and a png image named hello.png.
The hello.html file must include the xdata.js script located at the root of Advanced Explorer. In this file, the xdata object has the source and target properties, each with a path property (the directory path to be treated) and list (the list of selected files). This list may be empty.
What you do with that data is up to your imagination. Some examples ...


This is a demonstration program. When it starts, the interface sends a message to the script hello.js. The script uses a local TCP connection (with the Node Net API) for transmitting a response to the server, which in turn sends this response to the interface through WebSocket.


Interface to the pngquant image compression software. Advanced Explorer allows you to select a directory and possibly a list of images in this directory. It then calls the compression program that replaces all images in PNG format selected by a new, more compact file.

When no file is selected, the entire contents of the directory, all PNG extension files, are compressed.

You have to download the version of PNGQuant for your operating system and put the program into:

/Advanced-Explorer/ BoxL/PNGCompress/


Allows to find a string in a file, a list of file, a directory or a tree of dirs.

Many other extensions are to come ...